Public profile doesn't show the changes I've made – why?

Have you made edits to your profile that aren't visible online?

For example, you might have updated your bio or experience, but the wording of your public profile remains unchanged.

Or perhaps you've updated your profile picture but the old picture is still showing.

Don't worry – this happens a lot!

Fixing profile update issues

Your browser stores a version of websites in a cache.

So you may be looking at a cached version of your profile, instead of the live version.

Force refresh the web page

The fastest way to force your browser to show the latest version of a page is to force-refresh the page.

While browsing your ProCopywriters profile, do the following:

  • Windows and Linux browsers: CTRL+ F5
  • Safari: SHIFT+ reload toolbar button
  • Chrome and Firefox for Apple: CMD+SHIFT+R

Clear your cache

If problems persist, you may need to clear your cache.

To find instructions for clearing the cache in your browser, search online for 'how to clear cache [my browser and operating system]'.

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